Ice Cream Rides!
Ice Cream text
This page is devoted to one of our favorite kinds of bike rides--the ice cream ride. We'll start by posting GPS routes from our favorite starting point, Wompatuck State Park, to local ice cream shops. Soon we'll add a feature for others to add their favorite ice cream rides. Check back often!
Nona's in HIngham
Nona's in Hingham
Located on Main Street in Hingham Square, Nona's is a local favorite for ice cream made on site. This is a super easy ride of just a few miles round trip. It does cross Route 228, but it only has one turn. Just go out the Wompatuck front gate, turn right, cross 228, and ride until you see Nona's on the left. We'll get the GPS track up shortly.
  • Nona's
  • Nonas map
  • JJ Map
J J's Dairy Hut Cohasset
This ride might be even easier than Nona's. It is primarily in the park and has almost no turns. You will have to cross Route 3A but there is a light and crosswalk. Once you cross 3A you'll wind your way through a parking lot and have a very short ride or walk on the shoulder. If soft serve ice cream is your thing, give J J's a try. We'll get the GPS route up soon!
Hornstra's Dairy Farm
This ride includes a little bit of everything. It is mostly cycling-friendly paved trails without cars. We keep it interesting by adding in some two way traffic (purple), an unpaved gravel and roots section (red), and even a little climb up a hill and through a hole in the fence (orange circle). It's a great time for all and well worth the trip! (Click map for full route. Base map credit:
  • Image 1